AUSSIE AUSSIE OY OY ... cricket!!!

Oh the cricket was ssssoooo darn diggity good! Australia won (if you weren't watching it ... which you SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!!!) umm it was an awesome finish- Aus were fielding and we had about 3 balls to go and NZ had to make about 2 runs and we had 2 wickets in hand. Clarkie (Michael Clark - who is only about 23yrs old) fielded the ball about 2o meters out and chucked the ball at the wickets and hit them .. one out down, one to go. Then the next ball went and NZ got a run. So 2 balls to go and 2 runs that NZ needed. We bowled and then got another run out so we WWOONNN. it was soo good being aussie! ps - the cricket was in wellington.
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