Travels in New Zealand

Details of Lara and C;aires travels in New Zealand.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Here we are in a Belgium bar in Rotarua with Jelle and Jelmer (Mo). We were listening to crazy German and Dutch and Belgium music all night coz we were the only ones in the bar!! And the manager was Dutch (like Jelle and Mo) so we had a good night. We also met a guy called Lee who is from London. We met him on our dive with the dolphins trip in the bay of islands. We caught up with him again in Taupo and had a pub meal - here are some pics (he is the one with the camera). Rachel, one of these photos is for u-can you guess??????? (from la)


Happy Birthday Dad! I am so sorry about getting the date of it wrong, but this experience will not let me forget it again, i promise. I heard you got the i pod shuffle? Lucky you, i hope you enjoy listening to all your ernest danglin and all the other muzic you like:)Love you very much, love your big moo mah (1st daughter).
Here are some photos that i know you'll like:)Wooops, sorry dad, i don know why there are four of the same photo, oh well. By the way Hobbiton was wicked, you would have loved it. I will put more photos up of it soon:)


SO this is the rotarua geo-thermal wonderland (home of the egg smell)!!! This place really stank like poop! haha but it was really pretty. Check out the pics and u will see!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

sledging 5

These are some crazy rapids! and the group of people who we rafted with.


This is the begining of our sledging course. You can see Claire giving the 'Peace' sign, while Lara is about to shoot on down the first waterfall (i am just infront of Claire)

Friday, November 18, 2005


We were all getting serious saftey instructions at this point, so naturally i was freaking out, plus it was bloddy hot!


This is me after having sledged down a munga waterfall, i am a bit shaken, but what a rush!!


This is Claire in the water, after just sledging down a water fall-what a rush!!!


These blasted sandflies were sooo anoying, and soooo itchy. But we've been told it is only going to get worse when we go to the west coast of the south island.

WWOOFer family

This is the Kataia WWOOFer family we stayed with. You have Mike and Rebecca the parents, then Brody-7, Ruby-4, and Hamish 2

Bush Bath

This was the best experience; to be in a boiling hot bush bath, looking up at the nights sky

Famous trampoline 2

The famous trampoline of Mike and Rebecca's

This trampoline was used everyday by me and Claire. We went absolutely phyco on this tramp! We kept trying to see how high one person could jump the other one up, it was hillarious, and was the cause of a number of painful stacks.

The mossy/green creek which ran right past Mike and Rebecca's house (first WWOOFer hosts up in Kataia)

bogged car

A 1970's Ford sedan, which got bogged on 90 mile beach, which just shows how dangerous and unpredictable this beach can be

Paihai sunset

This is a beautiful sunset at Paihai

Fat mamma sandhill

This is a long shot photo of the sandhill we sand boarded down-wicked!!

90 mile beach

Claire and i on 90 mile beach-it just keeps going, as far as the eye can see