Travels in New Zealand

Details of Lara and C;aires travels in New Zealand.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Melbourne trip July 2006: Cat, Bonnie, Claire and Lara

My best friends; Cat, Bonnie and Claire and me went to Melbourne in July for three reasons, and three reasons only! Firstly, to go out of course!! And have a wicked time. Secondly, to shop, shop and shop! And thridly, to catch up with old friends.

The trip was awesome! Our days consisted of going out at 9pm, getting back 6am, sleeping until 2pm and then only having two meals before going out again. Needless to say by the last day we all looked, and felt a reck...but it was worth it:)

We treated ourselves in Melbourne, that's for sure. We stayed at the Crown Promenade on the first night, on the 22nd floor!

We also met up with Cat and Bonnie's freinds that they met while over seas in South Africa and Poland.


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