Travels in New Zealand

Details of Lara and C;aires travels in New Zealand.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Melbourne trip July 2006: Cat, Bonnie, Claire and Lara

My best friends; Cat, Bonnie and Claire and me went to Melbourne in July for three reasons, and three reasons only! Firstly, to go out of course!! And have a wicked time. Secondly, to shop, shop and shop! And thridly, to catch up with old friends.

The trip was awesome! Our days consisted of going out at 9pm, getting back 6am, sleeping until 2pm and then only having two meals before going out again. Needless to say by the last day we all looked, and felt a reck...but it was worth it:)

We treated ourselves in Melbourne, that's for sure. We stayed at the Crown Promenade on the first night, on the 22nd floor!

We also met up with Cat and Bonnie's freinds that they met while over seas in South Africa and Poland.

Random photos that i'd forgotten to put in earlier in the year and last year

These are three random photos that i'd forgotten to put in. Firstly there is the beautiful photo of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. This was taken when Claire and I were flying out from Christchurch at sunrise. If you look in the distance, you can just make out Mt Cook, which is quite a lot bigger than the other mountains (obviously i guess).

The second photo is of me and the three beautiful kids i nanny; Lauren, Samantha and Jessica. I started nannying these girls in about Febuary of last year.

The third photo is of me and Rachel!
And the fourth photo is of all my friends; Claire, Bonnie, Analiese and Georgie, having a WILD night!

Me and Rachel on a rainy day

Introducing one of my best friends Rachel!

We have known eachother since we were born! Rachel and i are very similar in the things we like. So we often go driving in the hills or around the pretty suburbs. These sets of photos are from when we went driving up to Stirling in autumn. It was beautiful but bloddy freezing!! The other photo is of us going to the Pembroke formal when we were in year 11.

Continuing on with life for Lara and Claire

Hi everyone,
Claire and I have decided to keep up to date with our New Zealand blogger, and keep posting photos and interesting stuff on it. We will post stuff on this site individually, so the amount of posts from each of us might be a bit uneven to start with.

The next big trip Claire and I are planning to do is to Canada!! We hope to go either at the end of 2007 or the begining of 2008. We plan to enrol in uni over in Canada, and then travel from there. But for now, we will just focus on our present lives.

Ok, well the first lot of photos will be from me (Lara) until Claire gets organised (i have only just told her about it!)

The first little trip i went on, from getting back from New Zealand was to Melbourne with my friend Sarah. She was invited by Arj Barker, the comedian, to come to Melbourne with a friend and see his comedy shows for free, it was great! We also got a free ticket to 'The Glass House' a comedy show on the ABC. That was naturally hilarious and has made me like Corine Grant (previously from 'Rove Live') and Will ... (something...i have actually forgot his last name, wooops!). We then went to a pub after it and got to meet and chat with all of them! Ok, so here are some photos from it...