Travels in New Zealand

Details of Lara and C;aires travels in New Zealand.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


This is a photo from the wild west coast of Punakaiki.

AUSSIE AUSSIE OY OY ... cricket!!!

Oh the cricket was ssssoooo darn diggity good! Australia won (if you weren't watching it ... which you SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!!!) umm it was an awesome finish- Aus were fielding and we had about 3 balls to go and NZ had to make about 2 runs and we had 2 wickets in hand. Clarkie (Michael Clark - who is only about 23yrs old) fielded the ball about 2o meters out and chucked the ball at the wickets and hit them .. one out down, one to go. Then the next ball went and NZ got a run. So 2 balls to go and 2 runs that NZ needed. We bowled and then got another run out so we WWOONNN. it was soo good being aussie! ps - the cricket was in wellington.

This is David's car (the eco seeds guy in welly-3rd wwoofer).His car we will always remember, due to its thousands of spider webs...aaarg!!! And also the fact that it was filled with dirt and leaves.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Antonias farm

Claire and i had so much fun on these motorbikes!!! This was on Antonia's farm.

A misty evening on the farm.

Me in a hilarious apron at Antonia's neighbours BBQ.

Photos of the kids and us; Jacob and Sarah-7, and James-3.

Views from the farm (their house) and from Gunya (their holiday house which is about 1 km up the road) ...beautiful!

The fantastic Fox Glacier.

This one is of the sheer faced cliffs leading up to the glacier. Apparently they are 250metres high!!!

Claire and i walked up the hill behind Davids place and when we got there we were near blown off the hill!! That is welly suburban sprawl in da background.

The other picture is a lovely walkway near david's place that takes you to the railway station.

This is a so called beach, in Napier. I couldn't beleive the black sand, it made me really miss aussie.

This is Claire and i coming back from Napier, ladened with luggage!!!

Sorry!!! Jumping ahead a lot here, but that picture of me eating ice is at Fox Glacier today, it was freezing and was continually raining. We couldn't climb the glacier because as we were walking up this massive boulder came sliding down. All the instructors said was "RUN!"

This was the veiw from the back door of the blueberry house.
These were the oh so cute kittens at the blueberry farm. In this pic they were attacking and climbing up Hiki's legs (german wwoofer)

Blueberry farm photos

This was the creek down at the bottom of the farm. This was in Upper Hutt, where a lot of the scenes of Lord of the rings were filmed. There are also some photos of the kittens (black one is bogey and the tabby is Luke). The sun set photo is taken from their family room (beautiful hey??). Gandalf is the kittens uncle and here is a photo of him playing in the blue berry netting! Its so cute ... if you run along the blueberry rows with your hand touching the netting, he runs along and follows you. The other photo is of the other wwoofers that were staying at the blue berry farm. There is me (claire) then Hiki (german girl) then Rachael (USA) and Lara (some random!!! haha just joking). It was a beautiful farm.

Our first lot of bad sunburns at David's eco seed farm, 12 mins out of welly...ouchi!!

first glimpse of Antonia's farm

This was our first glimpse of Antonia's farm (our third wwoofer place)